Class DotWriter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    GraphConsumer, GraphWriter

    public class DotWriter
    extends Object
    implements GraphWriter
    A class to write dependency graph in dot format. The rendering can be customized either by properties at object creation or at runtime using various setters. The property names use the following scheme: dot.objecttype.attributes. Where objecttype can be:
    • node for "common" nodes,
    • link for dependency links,
    • mainnode for nodes with a special importance (i.e.: when node.isMainNode() is true),
    • startnode for the start node,
    • and graph for the graph itself.
    The property values are sets of valid dot attributes without the surrounding bracket.
    Christophe Labouisse
    See Also:
    Graphviz home page, Dot attributes
    To do:
    The current configuration scheme sucks, create something more generic.